Saturday, June 17, 2006


It is only fair that i should give some sort of introduction about myself. But instead of the usual boring “Hello,my name is..blah blah”...i decided to use a story instead. This story was written for me by my it is entirely his of it are true...and any resemblances to people dead or living are purely here goes..enjoy:D


There used to be a boy named A at “The Nook”,but he no longer lives there. Few people know why and I am one of them who knows the chilling truth-the reason for this seemingly innocent event. It all goes back to 8-8-88...all the world was happy that the numbers in the date were the same and felt that it was a good day.

Mrs V had that day a girl child at the hospital,a servant took the baby girl to the bathroom with the other babies. Unknown to her ,an unseen force had removed the identification tag on the baby's hand. So when the time came to take the child back,the servant took back a girl with a a similar mark on her hand. To this date,neither Mrs V nor the servant can say for sure if the girl is the same.

The girl was well received in the household,even so that she displaced the other kid in the house. She grew in body and mind,having an unnatural ability to by heart ability none in the family possessed. This was accepted by the parents favorably. They did not see the evil inside of this creature they were nursing .As it grew in stature,it was soon able to control over Mr and Mrs M whose attempts to control it were futile. They sought the help pf priests and nuns everywhere. But,alas,to no avail,that was until it took over control,leaving only their true son to control it. Having talked with priests,finally the highest authority told him that the only person who could rid the world of this creature was the person who supposedly brought it into this world-Mrs V and the weapon of choice-her masala dosa. However,she being under its control would not relent but on convincing that the masala dosa was for him,she agreed(the Beast thought that on eating it ,he would be disposed of).Thus A got hold of a Mrs V brand masala dosa. Now this type of dosa is a very potent weapon..whole families of rats have been known to die of just smelling the dosa being cooled. Indeed even the Beast kept off it.

Now a new dilemma faced the hero. The U.S ,having declared a war on terrorism had stepped up the surveillance on the globe and the presence of this bioweapon could be easily detected up by thermal imaging. Thus,he decided to cloak it with one of the best cloaking devices known to cooks worldwide-ghee. The cloaking being done,it was stored in a secure Swiss bank vault along with Osama's N-Bombs and the F.B.I's files on Elvis. Cultures were made in biocontainment labs and its effects tested on cats of the neighbourhood. Apparently,they lacked the correct constitution with more dosa cells than masala. The dosa was powdered and sent to the Beast but they were stopped because it was suspected to be anthrax

Finally ,an opportunity came his way in th form of an eating out of the family due to the Beast's success in exams. There ,our hero substituted the dosa for the hotel dosa and this was served. But it does not take a genius to figure out a 5-month old dosa. The Beast immediately suspected our hero and started throwing tantrums-one of which fell heavily on him like a grand piano.

Now he lives there no longer, and has changed his appearance and the Beast roams around this world free of all checks and balances. So if u see a girl with glasses and short hair ,run for your lives.


Anonymous said...

it was very thrilling!
thanks and have a nice sunday!!

Yedu said...

Nice story ..... HILARIOUS!

You bro rocks.... tell him to try writing THIRAKATHA !!!!

with lot's of electronic stuff... u kno .....sci-fi (coz he took electronics [:D])

anyway.... three cheers for FOSA..... oops DOSA .

P.S :- best cloaking device , GHEE polum..... entammo....CHALU!!!!

bluedragon said...

seriously i agree with wolverine..ur bro is somethin...n just tell him ..i didnt know all dis in d first now.. i just started running for my life..:d

ViMaL said...

Thrilling one, "Amongst the clouds".
I did hold my breath while going through the whole post.
It would have been so nice to know ur name

ViMaL said...

:) i know ya now.

Those lines "...He polishes ,dusts and caresses his speakers..." did give me a hint.

But never in my wildest dreams did i think of ya owning two blogs and that too in two different display names.

Mr. Jekyll [;))] u rock!!!